This is a list of words describing feelings. The most common feelings are these:
Love, Joy, Happiness, Passion, Anger, Sadness, Fear, Confusion, Apathy, Guilt, Loneliness. Frustration, and Shame.
Feelings are a communication from the Unconscious to consciousness. As such they represent something to which we are being asked to pay conscious attention. This might be to CONFIRM rationally that the feeling as accurate, to indicate (by what we spefically are feeling) what to do to resolve/deal with the situation involved, or to provide information needed for a conscious decision.
Feelings are most often based on our ASSOCIATIVE THINKING. Feelings are based on PAST EXPERIENCES -- they are most reliable when the situation is the same or very much like ones we previously encountered. Feelings are often INCORRECT ASSESSMENTS when the situation is significantly different from past situations. Whenever we do or try something new we will "feel funny."
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