Lawrence A. Moen, LPC
(907) 374-8777
315 Cindy Drive Fairbanks, AK 99701
P.O. Box 71182 Fairbanks, AK 99707
City University, Bellevue, WA; M.Ed., Counseling and Guidance; 1991-93
President’s Award for Academic Excellence
Stanford University, Stanford, CA; B.A. with Distinction, Psychology; 1970-77
Minor: Communications; National Merit Scholar
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK; graduate coursework in Counseling; 2005
University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA; M.B.A. coursework, Economics; 1979
The Burnley School of Professional Art, Seattle, WA; non-degree trade school in Commercial Art
Portfolio Competition Scholarship 1974-76
Certifications and Trainings
State of Alaska: Licensed Professional Counselor since 2007
Administrative: Middle Management Academy, National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare; Grantsmanship/Grants Writing 40-hour course from The Grantsmanship Center; SAMHSA training on Confidentiality, Privacy and Ethics including HIPAA and 42 C.F.R.; Medicaid training; others Clinical: Co-occurring disorders (State TOT Trainer); Critical Incident Stress Management(multiple trainings); AK state training on mental health and substance abuse involuntary commitments; FAS/FAE; Family Services training; suicide; clinical supervision; cross-training in domestic violence work; others; Chemical Dependency treatment: RADACT courses on Cultural Considerations, HIV/AIDS, and Ethics; ASAM criteria; also a one-week intensive training in substance abuse treatment at the Lakeside-Milam facility in Seattle, WA; others; Safety: Supervisor’s Safety Training; First Aid and CPR; Blood borne Pathogens; MANDT and NCI de-escalation; IT: courses in PowerPoint, Excel, and Webpage Creation; American Red Cross: Certified in twelve areas of specialized training; State of Washington: Continuing Professional Education (ESA) Certificate, Guidance and Counseling
Work History
June 2008 – present Licensed Counselor/Owner, Uncommon Therapy, 315 Cindy Drive Fairbanks, AK 99701
I provide counseling/psychotherapy in a private practice setting. I work with clients ages 4 and up and provide individual, group, family, and couples counseling. I primarily utilize cognitive-behavioral therapy augmented by Jungian sand play therapy and art therapy techniques. I also provide specialized trauma work and CISM/CISD.
I originally started this business in June 2008. From 2008-2012 I did contract work for various vendors including the University of Alaska and the City of Galena, Alaska. During the winter of 2008-2009 I followed up on the UAF work visiting facilities in the western United States that were using TBH.
In July 2012 I reconfigured this business to become a private practice psychotherapy provider in Fairbanks and have been so
Since Fall 2014 I have been teaching classes on psychotherapy and on art at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. I have taught over fifty classes there so far.
July 2012 – August 2013 Licensed Counselor/Therapist, Fairbanks Counseling and Adoption, Fairbanks, AK
I provided counseling/psychotherapy for clients of this non-profit counseling center on a part-time basis. I worked with clients ages 13 and up utilizing primarily cognitive-behavioral therapy augmented by Jungian sand play therapy and art therapy techniques.
December 2011 – July 2012 Licensed Counselor/Therapist, Turning Point Counseling Services, Fairbanks, AK
I provided counseling/psychotherapy for clients of this for-profit counseling center. I worked with clients ages 4 and up utilizing primarily cognitive-behavioral therapy augmented by Jungian sand play therapy and art therapy techniques. I additionally developed a process group for couples experiencing intense marital trauma or dysfunction.
July 2010– December 2011 Licensed Counselor/Therapist, Samaritan Counseling Center, Fairbanks, AK
I provided counseling/psychotherapy for clients of this grace-based nonprofit counseling center, working with a wide range of child, adolescent and adult clients and client issues.
September 2008 – July 2010 Owner and President, Uncommon Therapy, Fairbanks, AK
I contracted in May 2009 with the City of Galena, Alaska to provide clinical psychotherapy and psychological emergency services in Galena and its five surrounding villages. The clinic management (and my contract) was taken over by Tanana Chiefs Conference on July 1, 2009. I worked primarily with adolescents and adults.
From September 2008 to May 2009 I worked on contract with the University of Alaska Fairbanks regarding telebehavioral health (TBH) and did follow-up field work on that topic.
October 2007 – September 2008 Quality Management Coordinator for Behavioral Health, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Fairbanks, AK
I was responsible for all functions of quality management for an integrated behavioral health program providing services to Alaskan Natives in Fairbanks and 26 villages in Interior Alaska. Responsible for documentation accuracy and quality, client satisfaction, and process efficiency. Began the process for getting the program accredited through CARF. Restructured the client entry process. Made a presentation on telebehavioral health at the Pathways Into Health 2008 national conference.
September 2006 – September 2007 Clinician, Adult Services, Fairbanks Community Behavioral Health Center, Fairbanks, AK
I decided to return to providing direct services after 7 years primarily doing management. Provided psychotherapy to adult clients with a wide range of clinical diagnoses including those diagnosed as severely chronically mental ill.
November 2005-September 2006 Manager of Rehabilitative Services, Fairbanks Community Behavioral Health Center, Fairbanks, AK
Manager of all adult rehabilitative treatment services for the largest behavioral health provider in interior Alaska, including case management, vocational services, a day treatment program, and residential services. These services were provided to both chronically mentally ill and seriously emotionally disturbed adults. Responsibility for a staff of 42 full-time employees. Direct supervision of 2 managers, a lead case manager, and 8 other case managers. This division provided approximately 80%, of the agency’s revenues, almost exclusively through Medicaid billing. During my time in this position I restructured three of the four components to increase professionalism, Medicaid billing compliance, QA, and the focus on client treatment. Additional duties included: short and long-range strategic planning; training of staff; liaison with community agencies and resources; program development; resolving of personnel issues; oversight of budget, billing, and other financial aspects of the division; field supervision of interns; and continuing on-call clinical work.
January 2001-November 2005 Manager of Case Management, Fairbanks Community Mental Health Center, Fairbanks, AK
Manager of Case Management for the Community Support Program. Supervisor of seven bachelor’s level and two master’s level case managers, serving 185 seriously chronically mentally ill clients. Duties included hiring, clinical supervision, employee progress reviews and discipline, staff training, crisis resolution, liaison, investigations of grievances, clinical work with consumers, on-call crisis work, QA and clinical review of all treatment documents, and program development. Provided grief/loss trauma work to Ft. Yukon schools and community. Participated in State site review of Tok mental health program. Provided co-occurring disorders trainings to agency and community providers, and a stress training seminar to Fairbanks Youth Facility staff. Did liaison weekly with Fairbanks Memorial Hospital psychiatric unit staff and monthly with the Domestic Violence Task Force. Field supervisor for college students at the A.A., B.A. and M.A. levels. Redid treatment plans and other treatment reporting forms, and created an electronic treatment document database to increase speed, efficiency and Medicaid compliance of reporting, as well as increasing access to the information.
September 2000-December 2000 Commercial photographer, and business owner, Pt. Barrow Enterprises, Barrow, AK
Photographer/owner of small business begun in 1997 providing photographs, photographic greeting cards and framed enlargements of Arctic scenes to the local, commercial and tourist trade in Barrow. I continued to operate this business on a small scale until 2007. In fall of 2000 I spent three months doing this full time while in the process of transitioning from Barrow to Fairbanks.
July 2000-August 2000 Counselor III, Counseling Services; North Slope Borough Department of Health and Social Services, Barrow, AK
My previous position (see below) was eliminated due to a complete reorganization of NSB behavioral health programs, which undid the previous complete reorganization of 16 months earlier. In the Counselor III position I reviewed and rewrote the policies and procedures for all Health Department behavioral health programs, to reflect the substantial organizational and program changes of the previous two years. Supervision of one staff member.
May 1999 – July 2000 Unit Manager for Group Counseling and Education, Counseling Services, North Slope Borough Department of Health and Social Services, Barrow, AK
After a reorganization consolidating all behavioral health services into a single agency, I provided management and clinical supervision for a unit charged with providing all of the group counseling and preventative education presentations for behavioral health programs in the NSB Health Department. The group counseling primarily focused on substance abuse treatment, both for a residential program and for outpatient services. Supervised a staff of eight employees. Conducted hiring and personnel reviews. Did policy and program development and managed the unit budget. Developed and chaired meetings for providing coordinated services to all inpatient clients. Coordinated and supervised substance abuse education and group counseling, and led some of the groups, including a weekly chemical dependency aftercare group and a men’s group. Supervised parenting classes and led divorce/separation workshops. Established grief and loss classes. Began restructuring residential substance abuse treatment to create greater effectiveness.
November 1996-May 1999 Clinician and Acting Coordinator, Community Counseling Center, North Slope Borough Department of Health and Social Services, Barrow, AK
As acting program coordinator, held administrative and supervisory responsibilities for the counseling center for 11 months until a permanent coordinator was selected; supervised a staff of up to 25 employees in a program providing 24-hour residential care as well as outpatient and village itinerant services. Did report and grants writing, budget, and oversight/QA of state and clinical reporting. Provided mental health clinical treatment services for residents of all ages of the North Slope. Regularly traveled to two villages to provide on-site mental health services and educational presentations in the schools. Performed on-call clinical support, crisis work including fatal airplane crash follow-ups, and Title 47 mental health assessments. Collaborated with other NSB, state, and community agencies to provide coordinated services for clients. Taught group education classes for substance abuse clients. Provided mental health education on public radio. Instrumental in the creation of a community two-day Suicide Prevention Workshop. Chairman, Behavioral Health Training Committee; member, Behavioral Health Summer School Committee.
July 1995-November 1996 Treatment Director, Children and Youth Services, North Slope Borough Department of Health and Social Services, Barrow, AK
Administrative and mental health clinical treatment responsibilities for a program providing long-term residential care, emergency shelter, respite care, attendant care, and home-based services for children and families. Did employee progress reports, record-keeping, budget, maintained compliance with NSB and state regulations for a licensed child-care facility, and helped administer the state grants. Provided clinical and other supervision for a staff of ten full-time and five part-time employees. Did grants writing and reporting. Collaborated with other NSB, state, and community agencies to provide services for children and families. Additional duties included QA assessments of all client intakes and case plans, and providing counseling and other direct client services.
Aug. 1994-May 1995 Counseling Supervisor and Dean of Student Services for The Mayor’s Workforce Development Program and Arctic Sivunmun Ilisagvik College, Barrow, AK
Began as Counseling Supervisor, then shortly after became Dean of Student Services. Duties included: upper level management of the Student Services department; development and oversight of strategic plans and budgets; QA of the department; staff recruitment, staff progress evaluations and supervision for admissions, registration, counseling and financial aid personnel; development work on a student career planning process and on a student records computer database; counseling and guidance of students both academically and regarding mental health issues; and planning and conducting recruitment and orientation programs for new students of the college. Admissions work included systems analysis and redesign of the admissions process.
Aug. 1993-Aug. 1994 Counselor, Liberty High School, Issaquah, WA (simultaneous with below)
Counselor for a suburban Seattle area high school of approximately 1000 students. Provided mental health counseling, crisis management, and career and academic guidance for a caseload of 550 9th and 10th grade students. Additionally, I was active as a member of the district steering committee establishing new graduation requirements, on shared-leadership and state educational reform committees, on computer systems and counseling hiring review panels, and on teams representing the district at assessment and school-to-work conferences.
1987-1990, 1991-1994 President, Moen and Associates, Seattle, WA (simultaneous with above)
Developed and operated a consulting business engaged in creating educational and social issues curricula and in strategic planning, grants writing, and staff development for programs with a similar focus. Clients included the Seattle Public Schools (grants writing), Microsoft (product development), Seattle’s Children’s Hospital (curriculum), the Washington Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (seminars and newsletters), the Puget Sound Educational Service District (curriculum and grants writing), the Washington State Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (curriculum), the Washington State Substance Abuse Coalition (independent agency reviews), and Seattle’s SPICE (School Programs Involving Community Elders) inter-generational program (materials design and staff development leading to its inclusion in the U.S. Congress’s Older Americans Act as a national model). Other projects, by project size, have included:
1988-1990 Director of Curriculum, U.S. Department of Labor Job Corps Social Skills Project
Acting as a subcontractor, I created a training curriculum which uses cognitive and behavioral approaches to teach job-based social skills to Job Corps youth ages 14-20. This curriculum is now in use at 109 Job Corps Centers nationwide, affecting approximately 50,000 youth per year. In creating the curriculum I researched existing literature and training programs, conducted field information gathering at sites across the country, collaborated with Department of Labor employees on instructional design, conducted needs-assessments, trained trainers for the pilot program, and then wrote, edited, and created layout and design for over fifty curriculum units and manuals.
1991-1992 Developer, Education Curriculum for Northwest CrackDown, an Emmy Award winning drug and alcohol awareness broadcast
Northwest CrackDown was a three-hour long program simulcast in prime time on 24 public and private television stations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia, Canada, in January of 1992. As part of the project team, I designed, wrote, and managed the production and distribution of a drug and alcohol curriculum, which used the broadcast as one of its primary teaching components. This curriculum was distributed to all public and private schools in the states of Washington and Idaho, and also in parts of British Columbia. I coordinated this effort with local, state and regional drug-awareness and prevention program providers. In addition to the broadcast receiving a regional Emmy award for its educational portion, I was given a certificate of merit from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for this work
1990-1994 Co-author, the ASSIST (Affective Skills Sequentially Introduced and Systematically Taught) Program for Elementary Schools
Co-author in the revision and rewriting of five manuals for elementary school teachers (Helping Kids Find Their Strengths; Teaching Friendship Skills, Primary Version; Teaching Friendship Skills, Intermediate Version; Building Self-Esteem in the Classroom, Primary Version; and Building Self-Esteem in the Classroom, Intermediate Version), as well as providing graphics, writing, and editing on two manuals entitled Creating a Caring Classroom and Helping Kids Handle Anger. Each 500-page manual includes scripted lesson plans, transparency masters, and classroom activities. The manuals are marketed nationally through SoprisWest Publishing, a leading educational publisher.
1992-1993 Developer of materials for the Dependable Strengths Articulation Process (DSAP) for the University of Washington Educational Psychology Clinical Training Laboratory
The DSAP is a job finding and career discovery process. I developed the visual side of the curriculum for the adult and high school variations, and collaborated in writing and visual design of a complete curriculum for elementary age children.
Additional Experience and Affiliations
Uncommon Therapy
565 University Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701
(907) 459-8200
Office: (907) 374-8777
Text: (907) 388-8963
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Monday - Friday 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday and other hours by arrangement
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