The primary therapy I provide, Depth Therapy, includes three major elements.
The first is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). There are many forms of CBT, but the essential core of all of them are that practical, workable changes almost always require looking at your current situation to find possible solutions through a combination of understanding (cognition) and changes in your actual experience (actions and behavior). Either part alone is helpful, but the combination of the two provides the greatest success. CBT explores your cognitive thinking, and rational thought more than emotions, feelings, or the past.
The second element I use is based on Jungian therapy. We think and learn in two primary ways - consciously,where we look for cause-and-effect, and associationally, where we identify patterns that are consistent, even if we aren't sure why. Associational learning is mostly learned by experiencing and doing things; its the thinking we used in childhood before we rationally understood why things happened as they did.
For both types of learning, when we see a patern so consistent that "we don't have to think about it" to know how it will play out, we put that pattern into our unconscious. Now it acts like a reaction -- it automatically, and immediately, impacts our actions and choices once it is triggered. This is called learning, habituation, addiction, "old tapes," instinctive responses, gut feelings, etc. based on how and where it is used.
Jungian-based therapy focuses on the unconscious -- how it works, how it interacts with our conscious thoughts. Often clients are surprised at how much they know about their situation without consciously knowing that they know, and the behavioral techniques and exercises will allow you to discover that, often in very powerful ways. (Note: although many of the techniques I use have a basis in the work of Carl Jung, I do not do strict Jungian psychoanalytic therapy.)
The third component of therapy I use is Art & Creative Therapy. This therapy provides a bridge between conscious and unconscious thinking, a way for bringing out in the open the ways that they interact. It allows a kind of "dreaming on demand," a way to access the unconscious without having to wait for a significant dream or "irrational" action to happen in our lives.
These techniques also often greatly speed up the therapy process -- I often see clients coming to insights after an hour's work that would likely have taken many many hours to get to by means of talk therapy alone.
In sessions I focus on all three aspects as the immediate situation requires, mixing traditional "talk therapy" (which is mostly cognitive) with non-verbal exercises, such as art therapy, sand tray therapy, and with explorations and analysis of unconscious patterns. Finally, these are followed with tangible assignments to safely try out or practice changes in real life.
I am fortunate that over the last 65 years I've ended up with well-developed skills both in rational analysis and in non-rational creativity. I've achieved top performance awards both in the cognitive world of academics and in the creative world of writing, sculpting, and visual arts. I'm glad to be able to use these skills to meet another passion of mine, that of helping others deal with all the amazing things our brains do to deal with life.
Uncommon Therapy
565 University Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701
(907) 459-8200
Office: (907) 374-8777
Text: (907) 388-8963
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Monday - Friday 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday and other hours by arrangement
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