I have experience, training, and an appreciation of issues related to these topics and value persons whose experience with sexuality has been different from the norm. The counseling/psychology profession has historically not been kind to those whose sexual and gender issues did not fit the sterotypical (but often unreal) conception of normality. Additionally, there has often been a useless and insulting moral/religious component introduced.
I value people for who they are, and respect the choices - often difficult - that are made to be true to that sense of personal integrity.
I have personal experience with childhood sexual abuse (combined with unhelpful religion issues) and with growing up sexually different.
Uncommon Therapy
565 University Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701
(907) 459-8200
Office: (907) 374-8777
Text: (907) 388-8963
(best method)
Email: uncommon.alaska@gmail.com
Or use our contact form.
Monday - Friday 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday and other hours by arrangement
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